Aum Sri Sai Ram

Press Release by Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust

March 18, 2012


Narada Gana Sabha at Alwarpet Chennai echoed the words Sri Sathya Sai Baba who had declared “Make music the passport to merger with the Divine.”At a star studded gathering on the evening of 16th March, the veteran Singer Smt P.Susheela organised a musical tribute to Sri Sathya Sai Baba titled “Sangeetha Deeparadhana” .

A couple of months ago, the veteran singer Mrs. P. Susheela had a vision in which Baba appeared to say “People say I am no more. Is that so? No! I have not gone anywhere. I am very much here.” It was then that she got the desire to arrange for a devotional musical tribute for Baba. Thus was born the above event which was organised by the P. Susheela Trust and unfolded on the evening of 16th March, 2012,

All the artists for the evening, well-known names in the field of South Indian music, paid moving tributes to Baba, who has always been a great patron of the fine arts. The compère for the evening was the inimitable Smt. Sowcar Janaki, while the function formally commenced with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp (‘Kuthuvilakku’ ) by Smt. Anjali Devi, both renowned thespians in the South Indian Film Industry and ardent devotees of Baba.. The event began with an invocatory song followed by Vedic chants, both paying obeisance to Ganesha. Next on the agenda were short speeches by the guests of honour. Dr. A. Ramakrishna (of the L&T Group), Mr. V. Srinivasan (All-India President of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations), Prof. A.
Anantharaman (Media Coordinator, Sathya Sai Central Trust,Prasanthi Nilayam), and Dr. (Mrs.) Anjali Devi , all of whom paid rich tributes to Baba and His teachings.

The first performance of the evening was a Bharatanatyam dance recital by Ms. Sarayu Sai, welcoming Sai and invoking His blessings on all. This was followed by a classic performance by Ms. A. Kanyakumari, the veteran Carnatic violinist. She made the entire audience sway with her as she played ‘Prema mudita manase kaho’ and ‘Bhasma bhooshitanga Sai chandrasekhara’, two very popular Sai bhajans .

One of the highlights of the evening was the famous composition of Saint Thyagaraja‘Bantureethi Kolu’, rendered with élan by the veteran Padmashri Mrs. Aruna Sairam.. Mrs. Sairam expressed heartfelt gratitude to Bhagawan as she always visualised him in the centre seat of the first row at every concert of hers. She attributed her success in the field of Carnatic music to Swami’s divine grace and blessings and then proceeded to sing a beautiful bhajan dedicated to Him.

A Tamil song by famous playback singer Mrs. Harini Tippu in her silken voice, described Baba as Krishna and Puttaparthi as the Divine Gokulam of Lord Sai Krishna, was soulful and tugged at the heartstrings. This was followed by evergreen ‘Bho Shambho’ by Mrs. Ambili and a lilting melody by Mr. Tippu and also Mr. Unni Menon. A special rendition in the program was a song tuned by Mrs. P. Susheela herself, and sung by Mrs. Usha Rajan. The essence of this song was “You have made us all sing your glory all the time” and “How many births we must have taken to have had the Darshan of your Lotus Feet!” The audience could not but smile in affirmation.

Another striking performance was violin virtuoso Dr. M. Lalitha’s rendition of the well-known song “Uyyala looguma Sri Sathya Sai”. One could almost visualise Baba in the swing, swaying and smiling in His inimitable style, thoroughly enjoying the music. A powerful reminder in this song is the line that means “Although you pervade the entire cosmos, you are- within me also, oh Sai!”

Dr. Seerkazhi Sivachidambaram and the Bombay Sisters Mrs. C. Saroja and Mrs. C. Lalitha also paid their homage to Lord Sai. The fitting finale to the event was a song by Mr. Mano, praising Baba, followed by the song ‘Madhura mohana ghana shyama sundara Sai’, rendered soulfully by the veteran singer Mrs. P. Susheela. She went on to explain that this song was a personal favourite of Baba. He’ had asked her to sing it on many occasions where he himself would keep humming the tune .

The entire program was a love-soaked devotional musical offering to Baba and a nostalgic and teary reminder to most of the artistes of the evening ,many of whom had actually performed live in and his presence.

Media Coordinator
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust
Prasanthi Nilayam

Brilliant intepretation, The Hindu, Coimbatore edition. 13.4.12

Brilliant intepretation

Lalitha’s solo violin recital on the last day of the festival of music was a turning point with a thavil accompaniment of Shantakumar and Subramaniam on the ganjira. Shantakumar’s astuteness and originality were matched by Lalitha’s agility and shrewdness. Her brilliant play of Abhogi varnam in four tempos was magnificent. ‘Entharo Mahanubhavulu’ in Sriragam was a brilliant interpretation. Her raga vinyasam of Vachaspathi for the kriti, ‘Paratpara’ with swaras and Hemavathi for the kriti, ‘Sri Kanthimathi,’ punctuated by phrases, was manna to the ears. The niraval and swaras revealed the depth of the artist’s vidwat. The thani by Shantakumar and Subramaniam was thunderous but soothing.

Melange of music

// T. K. Ganapthy – The Hindu